What happened in 2012?
No-one finished. Rob Dean, Steve Heading, and I started out, and we all made it as far as the Peak District before quitting.
You can read Rob’s account here: http://robdeanhove.blogspot.co.uk/2012/08/ewe-bikepacking-racing-hard-way.html
A little from Steve Heading is here: http://www.whytebikes.com/wp-whyte/2012/07/steve-headings-ewe-epic-on-the-whyte-m109/
And I’m still dragging my heels writing about it on my main blog pages: http://www.aidanharding.com/category/ewe-2012/
It took us 7 days to get half-way, so you would be wise to allow 2 weeks for 2013.
Possibly the biggest factor was this:
That’s a graph of UK rainfall compared to average, so you can see that for June and July, the average rainfall was completely insane. With a bit of luck and some route improvements, 2013 should be a more enjoyable and more achievable race.